As women age, and their metabolism slows, fat tends to accumulate around their buttocks, hips, and thighs, so called sex-specific fat. Women may also suffer from other “problem areas” that are patient specific, such as the abdomen, back, flank, or neck.  These develop when a part of the body has either too many, or too large, of fat cells.  Resistant to diet and exercise, liposuction affords women the opportunity to remove these unwanted, fatty areas, contouring their body to add definition and improve shape.


Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed across the United States, and Dr. Castillo is skilled in all aspects of traditional, ultrasound, and power-assisted techniques.  Leveraging experience, and listening to his patient’s goals, Dr. Castillo can help women achieve a slimmer, more balanced, body contour.